Drug overdose deaths again broke a record in 2022, CDC reveals

Drug overdose deaths continue to rise, breaking yet another record in 2022, according to new data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC reported that 107,941 Americans died from drug overdoses that year — which is about 1% higher than overdose deaths in 2021.

The number of fatal overdoses has risen almost every year over the last two decades, continuing to break annual records.

The CDC reported that 107,941 Americans died from drug overdoses — which is about 1% higher than overdose deaths in 2021.


The rate of overdose deaths declined for women — for the first time in five years — but the rate continued to climb for men.

Men account for about 70% of overdose deaths in the U.S. as research has shown that men are likely more susceptible to the biological and social factors that contribute to drug overdoses.

The number of overdose deaths has risen almost every year over the last two decades, continuing to break annual records. Pictured here are James and Kathy McCarthy of Birmingham, Alabama, who hold a photo of their son Jack, who died of a fentanyl overdose at their home in September 2021. Ryan Garza / USA TODAY NETWORK

American Indian and Alaskan Native people were also found to be more likely to die from a drug overdose, with the rates among these populations jumping 15% in 2022.

The overdose death rate also increased among black, Hispanic and Asian people but decreased among white people.

Deaths from heroin and natural opioids such as morphine and oxycodone decreased, but deaths from fentanyl and other synthetic opioids have continued a steep upward trend.

Fatal overdoses from synthetic opioids other than methadone more than doubled in the last five years. Deaths involving cocaine spiked in 2022 — rising more than 12% in just one year — and deaths involving psychostimulants as a whole increased in 2022, by about 4%.

Deaths from heroin and natural opioids such as morphine and oxycodone decreased, but deaths from fentanyl and other synthetic opioids have continued a steep upward trend.

Kerri Fernely, left, and Ian Nelson, right, both died from a fentanyl overdose. Black Balloon Day — March 6, 2024 — remembers those who have died from drug overdoses. Doug Engle/Ocala Star-Banner / USA TODAY NETWORK

The nation has struggled to respond to the continued drug and overdose epidemics as experts note there is no one contributing factor.

Mayor Eric Adams recently announced plans to install anti-OD “life alert” devices in New York City apartments to connect drug users to 911.

The city also has two overdose prevention centers in East Harlem and Washington — known as “safe” drug injection sites  — where addicts can bring their own drugs and use clean needles to shoot up under the watch of medical professionals.

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